In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of cats very
angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Welcome Friends to The Barfing Cat Ranch Website
Christmas Valley, OR 97641
“Just try and find us!”
These cats need a sanctuary very badly! Just last night, January 20th, a pack of coyotes were in the backyard. They stayed just outside of the light footprint but were so close and there were so many of them that I could probably have shot in the dark and hit three of them. This is not good. I still have one of the outdoor cats unaccounted for, Bitsy, and if they got her I am going to be very upset as she is one of the most beautiful cats I have ever seen. I hope she shows up either later today or tomorrow. (Update: She showed up the next evening for dinner.) This is why I am asking for the funds to build a cat sanctuary. Please give if you can. One dollar from enough people is all these cats need.

This is what the cat sanctuary currently looks like.
The plan is to create and build a private animal sanctuary, specifically for cats, here in Christmas Valley, OR since there is no support for animals within 100 miles of here. Included in the plan is safe living areas, protection from the brutal winters, and to remove cats from the food chain to protect our native fauna and to stop feeding the birds of prey, coyotes, and cougars. Within the sanctuary I would like to create a section of rooms for a visiting Veterinary Doctor to perform examinations and surgeries of a portable nature. This would be open and available for all animals in the area. Long term goals would be to expand to meet the necessary needs of the area and provide the same support for dogs and all animals in need of support in the local area.

This is close to what the cat sanctuary should look like, except we don’t need garage doors which will make the building less expensive. On the South side of the building we would add a winterized greenhouse to create a garden for the cats to roam in Winter or Summer. Then on the East side of the building we would create an outdoor caged area for the cats to roam safely in during fairer weather.
Buildings are expensive and yet, it is the space within that is useful and free, in this case. There is plenty of space here, oodles of it. What is needed is four walls and a roof to enclose all that space. The structure for the animal shelter will be useful for keeping things out of the space like negative temperatures, snow, rain, all forms of weather and other inconveniences like dangerous creatures. Oh, and some Humans too. The idea is to create an indoor living environment for all the cats that end up here, currently 17, with an outdoor caged area for the summer months where the cats can roam outdoors in safety. Ideally a structure of about 20 feet by 30 feet is what is needed to start with and then we add on the caged area creating a large enough area for the cats to live in happily and comfortably year round. On the Southern end of the building we will construct a greenhouse so that an indoor garden area can be created which will survive throughout the whole year. The plan will be to purchase a pre-fab metal insulated building that can be erected on site in just a few days but the most expensive part of the project may be laying in the cement footings and floor.
About Donations
We here at The Barfing Cat Ranch, and by we I mean myself and the cats, are more than happy to accept donations other than cash because it all goes to the cause. Things like cat litter, dry cat food, wet cat food, are all basics that are greatly appreciated and needed. Other items could be cat boxes, paper towels, outdoor cat shelters, although the outdoor cat shelters would only be needed till I get the sanctuary building constructed. I have put up a wish list for The BCR on which I will be adding items to. If you think of something that should be on that list just email me with the idea. Thank you.
The Barfing Cat Ranch Wish List