So, I found brand new builder special dishwashers for sale in La Pine for only $50 each to convert into a cat box washer. However, before purchasing one I gave the whole problem more thought and decided that the cat boxes I have, I hate them. The cat boxes I have are messy because of the way they are molded and constructed. The clasps that hold the top to the bottom do not hold unless the cat box is empty which has resulted in spilling the contents several times, when the cats pee up the side of the box the urine runs down the seam then when you pull the top off to clean the box urine drips onto the floor, and even though they are the extra large boxes, they are too small for my big cats. Besides that they are hard to clean. So, why should I go through the trouble of converting a dishwasher to clean the cat boxes I hate.
After searching through the many pet websites and seeing what is available for cat boxes and also looking at what others have done I decided to create my own cat boxes. I purchased several storage tubs, 30 gallon size, which I thought may be too big for my purposes but I had my big cats in mind when deciding which size to get. Now that they are done and in use I think that they are just the right size for my big cats and multiple cat use. Check out the images of the project.